Literature: The Power Of Habit

Our habits basically define us, they define our personality and our attitude towards life. Naturally, we relate to our habits but sometimes some habits overtake our life to an unhealthy extent and that’s when we need to consciously intervene into our own psychology or get some professional help.

In The Power Of Habit, the author explains in simple terms how habits are formed, the influence they have on our lives and how to break from the ones that are unhealthy. The author gives examples of individuals who had addictions or obsessive compulsive disorders and how they overcame them. The author also gives account of how huge retailing companies track consumer habits to maximize sales.

So, if you want to bring a change in your life style or have any form of addiction then this is the book to read. This, in my opinion, is one of those books which will help a person sooner or later in life.

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg